There are Black Sabbath fans who only like the albums with Ozzy, and others who only like the albums with Dio, and others who like the albums regardless of who’s singing. I’m included in this third group.
Some albums with Ozzy are certainly great. Others, not so much (Never Say Die and Technical Ecstasy come to mind). I like all albums with Dio. I like the one album with Ian Gillan, some songs on the one with Glenn Hughes, and most of the albums with Tony Martin. By far, my top favorite with him is Tyr, followed by Headless Cross. These two albums have the late Cozy Powell on drums. Cozy was a great drummer, and his work with Sabbath was up to par with his work in other bands (such as early Rainbow).
Speaking of Tyr specifically, I like all of the songs in that album, first thru last track. Yes, it sounds different the the band’s early work with Ozzy, but so what, since the same can be said of the afore mentioned Never Say Die and Technical Ecstasy. These albums with Tony Martin have great songs, great drumming, great vocals.
The Cross Purposes album is the next one on my list. I like the production on the album, the drummer also kicks butt (Bobby Rondinelli), and it has Geezer Butler on it!
The weakest album with Martin was Forbidden. There are still some good songs there, but overall, it’s not on the same level with the others. One interesting thing about this album for me, though: I wrote a song a few years ago called Far Away (you can read all about it here), and it includes a melody and time signature that somehow was stuck in my mind. Also some words. I really couldn’t put a finger on why exactly those things were stuck in my mind. It’s at the 2’11" mark on that song. I hadn’t listened to Sabbath’s Forbidden album for at least 18 years. Then, when I listened to it a few months ago, I figured out what was stuck in my mind: the intro and first words to the song Can’t Get Close Enough!
Another interesting fact: one of my bands from my teenage years had been renamed Anno Mundi, because we were such fans of Tyr album, and more specifically the opening track in that album, Anno Mundi.
Enough talking… off to the list!!
#10: Can’t Get Close Enough
Forbidden is the weakest album out of the Tony Martin's era with Sabbath. However, there are a couple of songs there I enjoy. For some reason, Can't Get Close Enough got stuck to my mind.
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#9: Odin’s Court / Valhalla
These two songs go together perfectly. Tony's vocals are perfect here.
#8: The Sabbath Stones
This album has so many great songs! I do not care if it doesn't have either Dio or Ozzy on it, this album is great and this is one of the best songs in it!
#7: Nightwing
Great mood, great vocals, great guitar leads and riffs, solid drumming.
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#6: When Death Calls
Tony Martin is such un underrated singer. Despite his great singing on tracks like this one, many "fans" moan that "this isn’t Ozzy…"… Whatever, dude.
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#5: Born to Lose
For some reason this song reminds me of the Born Again album.
#4: The Shining
Good song off the Tony Martin era.
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#3: Cross of Thorns
I really like this song. Lyrics, vocals, guitars, mood, the dynamics… everything does it for me. I’ve listened to it a gazillion times. I’ve even done a vocal cover a few years ago, but not good enough to post it online. I may actually do a complete cover one day.
#2: Headless Cross
The band came back with Ozzy and the rightful name of Black Sabbath. They also did it with Dio under the name of Heaven and Hell. I think they should also come back under the name of "Headless Cross". It’s sad that it wouldn’t feature the mighty Cozy Powell… but, the dude with the mustache, Mr. Iommy, and Tony Martin are still around, as well as Geezer, so good music can still flow out of these fellows.
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#1: Anno Mundi
This is probably one of the songs I’ve listened to the most in my life. Yes, I really like it that much. Again, excellent drums played by the late Cozy Powell, solid riffs written and played by Mr. Iommy, and great vocals sung by Tony Martin. I like it so much that it ended up being the name of one of my bands in my teenage years.
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