Ronnie James Dio is probably my most favorite singer of all time. Out of all musicians who have passed, he is the one I felt the most. Besides being an amazing singer, there are countless stories out there from people who have met him and expressed how great of a person he was.
After creating masterpieces with Rainbow (my Top 10 list) and Black Sabbath (my Top 10 list) he went on to create a couple more masterpieces with his solo band.
When putting down the final touches at my back piece, I asked the tattoo artist to incorporate a little homage to Dio. His music will certainly live on forever through me!
#10: Sacred Heart
Another band I played with in my early days was called Sacred. Guess why?
#9: Lord of the Last Day
Heavy and sweet. Powerful vocals (couldn’t be different with Dio!)
#8: All the Fools Sailed Away
Mighty Dio!!!
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#7: Killing the Dragon
This song reminds of the DVD Dio released when touring for this album, which was around the time I moved to the U.S.
#6: Don’t Talk to Strangers
Dio and his amazing talent to move effortlessly between soft and harsh vocals.
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#5: This is Your Life
This is *THE* voice!!
#4: Rainbow in the Dark
If it wasn’t by Dio this song would be way below average for me. But the man made it great!
#3: Holy Diver
Dio, once again, turning an otherwise below average song into gold!
#2: Egypt (The Chains are On)
Great riff and cadency on this song. And of course, Dio being Dio.
#1: The Last in Line
This is the song that, for me, best summarizes Dio’s solo career. His clean vocals at the beginning of the song are smooth, calm, and then he turns it into a powerful, aggressive delivery. In fact, he shows how to sing aggressively without having to resort to growling or screaming. Not that many singers have been able to do that so successfully.
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